Selasa, 23 Januari 2018

learn english part 7

9, november 2017
Asallammualaikum wr.wb

As of the date of 9 november 2017 group 4 forward to the presentation.Why is it on the day on thursday suffering from fruits screened from cold winds rella want to replace the day that have been affected by the date of red on the day on friday. This group, that i think is the most successful.The group is composed of a name 1.alif bayu laksono 2 .Muhammad ardiyansyah 3 . Fahrurozi , and as a moderator is fahrurozi , presentation about binary number.Ouh yes why did i say successful ?... the role of fahrurozi very important he is fluent in england all the questions that they can answer is yes quickly and the slide show is very well only wrong a few at the 5w + 1h. And i know of a binary number was he was a system of numbers on a computer .
waalaikumsallam wr.wb

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